Our Services

Due-Diligence Analysis and Reports
This is a valuable service to the majority of clients as we review those items necessary to a client pursuing the purchase and future development of a property. These reports will include everything from local zoning requirements to environmental and cost constraints.
Planning Services
These services include both the comprehensive and current planning regulations for the numerous regulatory agencies and governmental jurisdictions within Florida. This would include comprehensive plan amendments, rezoning, DRI’s and annexations as well as developments dealing with impact fees, concurrency and those issues under the umbrella of planning principles and practices.
Preliminary Engineering
This is an integral part of any project as some preliminary design will be done and a preliminary engineering plan will be prepared to produce a preliminary cost estimate for the project, so that the client can use suitable cost numbers in its proforma.
Drainage and Utility Studies
We review and/or prepare drainage and utility master systems for developments and evaluate them for design efficiency. This includes getting these analyses through the required approval processes.

Engineering Design and Plans
This is the final design of the project and preparation of final permit drawings for the client. This includes all necessary drawings and calculations required for permitting and construction. This includes commercial, residential work, mixed-use, retail, hotels and resorts, medical and health care facilities.
This is the stage where all the approvals are obtained from local municipalities, water management districts, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, etc. This is critical in getting projects started in a timely manner.
FEMA LOMR & Studies
This has been a popular task we have completed for many Clients obtaining Letter of Map Revisions (LOMR) and getting 100 year studies approved.
Construction Management
This service is to monitor the construction phase of the project and assist in obtaining all necessary clearances from the various agencies.
Project Management
This is the service to monitor the project for clients from the planning phase through design, permitting and construction to ensure schedules are met.